(732) 521-0382 contact@cccrossfields.org

Job 11

March 25, 2020
Bible Text: Job 11 | Preacher: Paul Cardillo
Bible Text: Revelation 1:1-16 | Preacher: Joe DeProssimo | Series: Revelation

Isaiah 6

March 18, 2020
Bible Text: Isaiah 6 | Preacher: Joe DeProssimo
Bible Text: Lamentations 5 | Preacher: Joe DeProssimo | Series: Lamentations
Bible Text: Lamentations 4 | Preacher: Joe DeProssimo | Series: Lamentations
Bible Text: Lamentations 3 | Preacher: Joe DeProssimo | Series: Lamentations

Everyone Worships Something

February 23, 2020
Preacher: Paul Cardillo

Turning the Corner

February 16, 2020
Bible Text: Lamentations 3 | Preacher: Joe DeProssimo | Series: Lamentations

Sin Destroys

February 9, 2020
Preacher: Joe DeProssimo | Series: Lamentations
Bible Text: Lamentations 1:12-22 | Preacher: Joe DeProssimo | Series: Lamentations

The Great War

January 26, 2020
Bible Text: James 4:1-6 & Romans 13:11-14 | Preacher: Vinnie Whitehead
Bible Text: Lamentations 1:1-11 | Preacher: Joe DeProssimo | Series: Lamentations

Godly or Worldly Legacy

January 12, 2020
Bible Text: Romans 16 | Preacher: Joe DeProssimo | Series: Romans
Bible Text: Romans 15:14-33 | Preacher: Joe DeProssimo | Series: Romans

Resolutions or Redemption

December 29, 2019
Bible Text: Acts 7-9 | Preacher: Joe DeProssimo
Preacher: Vinnie Whitehead

A Christmas Family Tree

December 15, 2019
Bible Text: Matthew 1:1-17 | Preacher: Paul Cardillo

Unity or Selfishness

December 8, 2019
Bible Text: Romans 15:1-13 | Preacher: Joe DeProssimo | Series: Romans

Liberty or Love? Part 2

December 1, 2019
Bible Text: Romans 15:12-23 | Preacher: Joe DeProssimo | Series: Romans

Phobias, Pits, and Palaces

November 24, 2019
Bible Text: Psalm 24 | Preacher: Vinnie Whitehead

Upcoming Events

Every Sunday @ 10:30am

Every Wednesday @ 7:00pm


Recent Series Sermons

Contact Us


(732) 521-0382

15 Half Acre Rd
Jamesburg NJ 08831